Far Corner teams with Tavon Mason, former New York Jet and his organization (Tavon Mason Loves the Kids) for Slipper Drive

Far Corner teams with Tavon Mason, former New York Jet and his organization (Tavon Mason Loves the Kids) for Slipper Drive

Far Corner teamed up with Baltimore native, former New York Jet and founder of Tavon Mason Loves the Kids, Tavon Mason, to bring slippers to children who face long hospital stays. Over the past few years, the initiative has grown from a couple hundred pairs for one hospital in Maryland to 1,500 pairs through Maryland and Virginia. The slipper donation drive led by the Woodlawn alum began with the idea of bringing warmth and comfort to the kids. The slippers give each child the opportunity to show off their own personality with different animals, colors and characters to choose from.

Mason’s dream is to expand up the east coast to the New York City Area. Want to join Far Corner in helping Tavon reach more children? Visit: www.tavonmasonlovesthekids.org

Check out his article in the Baltimore Sun! http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/nfl/bs-gl-goodworks-tavon-mason-football-slippers-1102-20151101-story.html